sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2010

Animated Macbeth

Hi everyone,

Look what I found! This is an animated version of Shakespeare's Macbeth in three parts. I hope you enjoy it.
Have a great weekend.

martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010

domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2010

Best Practices!

Hi everyone! Some of you are making an extra effort to improve your English marks and you are giving me your writing. GREAT! Look what some classmates from 2nd ESO did to improve their English. They earned extra credit! Well done, CONGRATULATIONS!

The witch is making Turtle soup
to transform people in ugly toads;
They put some dogs in the cauldron,
the potion will be ready 1st of June.
They will need some cow blood
and a fake part of a vampire tooth,
when the potion starts making bubbles,
you can think you are in trouble.


Tomorrow we have exams
I don't like them so much;
I go to school
but I want to disco too;

Ha, ha, ha; ho, ho, ho
I don't like Santa Claus

In winter it's very cold
but I feel the weather's hot;
On holidays I see the Pope
but he only says Ho, ho, ho.


The Bad Cat

I once had a cat that was good
and he swam in the swimming pool
He decided to be bad
and he started to enjoy blood.
He broke all my things
including the cartoons of milk;
I decided to cook it with a bird
and also with a pig.


A Strange Change

I got many lizards tails,
and I'll give you some details:
I need the most strange
and horrible things to change
an animal's face
But, what a horrible result!
I made a poison to make a big,
pink, fat and dirty pig!


Scale of dragon
tail of snake
these are the things that I do
without making a mistake

Hair of lion
tooth of a wolf
these are the things that I do
when I'm bored


viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010

English Central

Hello everyone,

Here's an awesome way to improve your pronunciation while having fun and competing with other learners of English. Watch the videos, record your voice and check for results. That simple!

Click here to start today!

Have a great weekend!

lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010